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RP3043: Beyond WGV: Community Battery Storage

Project leader name: 
Prof. Peter Newman, Curtin University of Technology
Project status: 
Project period: 
05/2017 to 12/2018

Beyond WGV builds on the battery storage integration and commercial/governance model research in the CRCLCL projects RP3033: Mainstreaming Low Carbon Housing - The White Gum Valley Living LaboratoryRP3009: High Performance Housing - Monitoring, Evaulating and Communicating the Journey, and RP2006: FredZED - Mainstreaming Low Carbon Housing in WA.

The new work will upscale the findings of these projects to district scale, in a redevelopment project in the City of Fremantle. District scale provides a new economic opportunity for delivering community battery storage by capturing value from reduced head works, diversified load balancing, and economies of scale.  It is the ‘next stage’ that is being sought by agencies and politicians across Australia.

Publications related to this project

CRCLCL Project Reports

This report takes a relatively high-level look into precinct-scale distribution energy system (DES), including energy modelling, and introducing the Energy Village concept, delivering advice and guidance.

CRCLCL Project Reports
This report covers the outputs and follow up work of a workshop held on 17 September 2018 at LandCorp’s offices in Perth, to explore and establish an agreed vision for the broader precinct that integrates urban design, built form typologies, energy and water initiatives for the Knutsford precinct.
CRCLCL Project Reports

This report documents the community engagement process for the Knutsford area as part of the CRC for Low Carbon Living, Beyond White Gum Valley (BWGV – RP 3043). Some of the elements of this project also overlapped with the activities of the RENeW Nexus (Smart Cities) projects...

CRCLCL Project Reports
This report documents the innovations related to sustainable urbanism incorporated into the LandCorp WA Government land development agency project called East Village, within the Knutsford Precinct, approximately 1.5 km east of Fremantle.
CRCLCL Project Reports

The scope of this study was to: Develop an approximate electrical energy demand for the site; develop ‘net zero carbon’ concept for the precinct, based on renewable energy sources and battery storage; explore potential governance arrangements for the strategy, including the commerciality for a...

CRCLCL Project Reports
This report takes a relatively high-level look into precinct-scale distributed energy system (DES,) including energy modelling, and introducing the Energy Village concept, delivering advice and guidance.