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RP3043: Report: Beyond White Gum Valley Precinct Guide: The Energy Village Concept - Final Report

The ‘Beyond White Gum Valley Precincts Guide: The Energy Village Concept’ objective is to assist design teams and planning assessment officers on ‘innovative’ and achievable options for implementing a precinct distributed energy system (DES). Balance’s starting point is that the objective for the precinct’s embedded electricity system is to minimise utility grid import and reduce external dependency while increasing residents’ energy savings and incorporating community energy sharing potential.

This report takes a relatively high-level look into precinct-scale distribution energy system (DES), including energy modelling, and introducing the Energy Village concept, delivering advice and guidance.

RP3043: Beyond White Gum Valley Precinct Guide: The Energy Village Concept - Final Report (1500005 PDF)

RP3043: Beyond WGV: Community Battery Storage