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CRCLCL Logo Email Signature

These are logos to be used for CRCLCL staff, partners and researcher in their email signatures.

1. Staff - This is a button that can be placed in your email sigature as per the guidelines below. 

2. Partners - This button can we used on your exisiting email signature to show your affiliation with the CRC for Low Carbon Living. We recommend that you link back to your profile on the CRCLCL website.

3. Researchers - This button can we used on your exisiting email signature to show your affiliation with the CRC for Low Carbon Living. We recommend that you link back to your specific project on the CRCLCL website.

Researcher email logo (29365 JPG)
Partner email logo (22400 JPG)
CRCLCL Email signature 2015 (158933 DOCX)
Staff email logo (149483 JPG)