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CRCLCL prospective partners pack

This information pack is for invited CRCLCL prospective partners.

The information pack, can be downloaded below, includes:

  • Joining the CRC for Low Carbon Living as a Participant application guideline.
  • An outline of the CRC for Low Carbon Living and its aims and objectives 
  • What the Commonwealth funded CRC Program is, and the requirements of CRCs and their participants. 
  • New Participant Declaration and Table of proposed contributions to the CRC (Staff, funds & other resources) – to be completed by prospective participant. 
  • Copy of Participants Agreement that the new participant will be required to sign on admission to the CRC.
  • You can click here for a copy of our latest Annual Report Highlights.  

The prospective partner is required to fill out the forms (items 2 and 3), and email to the business manager; Paul

The application will be reviewed approved by the board. Succesful applicants will be invited to join the CRCLCL.

4. CRCLCL participants agreement conformed version (945252 PDF)
3. CRCLCL participant contributions (21797 XLSX)
2. CRCLCL new participant declaration (208734 DOCX)
1. CRCLCL New participants guidelines (320935 PDF)