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RP3017 Report: After-diversity electricity demand of low-energy households

The capacity of electricity infrastructure required for new precincts is often based on the types of customers that will occupy the new precinct and historical electricity use for each type of customer. However, modern energy-efficient precincts with local generation can have significantly lower demand than historical precincts. In South Australia, the SA Power Networks design standard recommends allowing 4-10 kVA per dwelling, depending on floor area. We have analysed electricicy consuption data from energy-efficient housing in Lochiel Park and from an apartment building in Bowden. The maximum demand for electricity from groups of 19–53 houses in Lochiel Park was less 3 kW per household. The maximum demand from 42 apartments was less than 1.2 kW per apartment. This data will be useful for estimating the demand of new precincts of low-energy dwellings.

RP3017 Report: After-diversity electricity demand of low-energy households (1403003 PDF)

RP3017: Adelaide Living Laboratory Hub