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RP1036u1: Open-Source Embedded Network and Microgrid Modelling Tools for Consumers

With the increasing deployment of distributed solar PV, and more recently the increased interest in distributed batteries, optimising their deployment configurations and financial outcomes is now receiving more attention.

Currently, when a customer exports PV electricity to its neighbours on the distribution network, the full distribution use of system charges are paid. Reducing these payments through the use of embedded networks in apartment buildings or through special arrangements in mini grids could significantly improve PV’s financial attractiveness. However altering the DUOS component of tariffs can also have significant impacts on network service providers and electricity retailers.

Here, a User Interface has been successfully developed that enables any user to access two models developed at the University of NSW: the multi-unit dwelling model and the mini grid model. This can now be done without having to learn how to program in the original open source code.

These models will help increase the uptake of renewable energy generation and other distributed clean energy technologies in embedded networks and in mini grids. This will deliver lower greenhouse emissions from the electricity sector in Australia, while supporting community-led engagement in lower carbon living

Open-Source Embedded Network and Microgrid Modelling Tools for Consumers (562082 PDF)

RP1036u1: Open-Source Embedded Network and Microgrid Modelling Tools for Consumers