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SP0021 - Emissions intensity accounting

Project leader name: 
Phil Harrington SPR
Project status: 
Project period: 
05/2018 to 03/2019
This project proposal addresses a rapidly-growing anomaly in the way that greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity consumption (Scope 2 emissions) are accounted for in Australia. The report has been prepared by Philip Harrington and Dr Hugh Saddler of SPR with input from Dr Iain Macgill, Associate Professor, UNSW, Maria Balabat, Senior Lecturer, UNSW, Graham Sinden, Director – Climate Change and Sustainability Services, Ernst & Young, Caitlyn Melia (Director) and Rachael Burgess (Director, Acting), National Inventory Team, Australian Government Department of the Environment and Energy.

Publications related to this project

CRCLCL Project Reports

This report highlights that, at present in Australia, two different approaches to defining the greenhouse emissions associated with electricity consumption are being used by different parties and in different contexts. These are known as the regional and market-based approach. While both are...