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SP0018: Utilisation of Energy Efficiency Policy Adoption Diffusion Modelling

Project leader name: 
Magnus Moglia
Project status: 
Project period: 
09/2017 to 01/2019

This project aims to amplify the impact and uptake of these previous project findings. It does this by translating some existing models into a format suitable for web publication, and to undertake a range of outreach activities, i.e. primarily developing a business model for the adoption of the outputs of previous projects, as well as to develop a website with an interactive simulation model to allow stakeholders and potential clients to explore plausible scenarios and to sharpen their intuition about adoption processes.

Publications related to this project

Peer Reviewed Research Publications

The paper presents the work undertaken with CSIRO and Sydney Water over the last year to develop a pilot Agent-Based Model to predict the potential success adoption of water conservation activities under different scenarios, as described in report (Moglia et al. 2019) and papers (Moglia et al....

CRCLCL Project Reports

A series of research projects funded by the Low Carbon Living (LCL) CRC, the CSIRO and agencies such as Sydney Water, Sustainability Victoria and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage have been developing and piloting an Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) approach to better understand the...

This paper is a review of the potential commercialisation and adoption pathways for a suite of energy efficiency policy-uptake modelling capabilities from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation’s (CSIRO).