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SP0017p7 - Developing the baseline for the overarching CCF evaluation

Project leader name: 
Dr. Tillmann Böhme
Project status: 
Project period: 
06/2019 to 12/2019

The NSW government is required to report on the market impact of NSW Climate Change Fund (CCF) energy programs through a rigorous evaluation framework. To do this, the evaluation framework requires the establishment of baseline data across a range of products and services.

The project will deliver:

  1. The prioritisation tool (excel spreadsheet decision matrix) including at least one scoping workshop
  2. A preliminary supply chain analysis/market characterisation which identifies which market segments will be analysed in a full report.
  3. A market characterisation report, including identification of the baseline for each market studied. This stage would involve supply chain mapping and provide an understanding of the market that is being studied (size, structure, dynamics, actors, etc.). As part of the market characterisation, a baseline describing pre-program conditions must be included, as well as any quantifiable data. CCF programs market effects will be assessed against this baseline in later work (not part of this research).