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Media release: Government and industry must work together towards low carbon cities: UK expert

Posted 23 November 2017 - 8:30am

Low carbon cities are achievable through a committed, collaborative effort by government and industry, said UK urban innovation expert Mr Peter Madden OBE today at the CRC for Low Carbon Living’s (CRCLCL) annual forum.

“Cities in Australia and around the world are facing major challenges created not just by climate change, but the largest urban migration in human history, with the United Nations predicting world city populations will increase to 66 per cent by 2050. We are up against the clock,” said Mr Madden, director of UK-based smart sustainability company Ecovivid and former CEO of Future Cities Catapult.

“The technological and digital revolution we are living through gives cities the opportunity to do things smarter. But to make this a reality, we’ll ultimately need practical collaboration between city administrations, businesses and academia. The research and innovation coming out of the CRC for Low Carbon Living forms a vital part of this,” said Mr Madden.

According to Mr Madden one of the key barriers to this action is the complexities of how a city is operated – where multiple organisations are involved. “There is no one organisation that runs a city, which means that all involved must work together to ensure new urban planning systems, energy processes and supportive technologies can be tested, funded and implemented,” said Mr Madden.

He also emphasised the importance of good business models and strong investment cases, to ensure new technology is implemented and to deliver the commercial benefits of a low carbon future.

“Cities and utilities must also look at ways for innovative products, service and technologies to be deployed that attract capital and create new organisational structures and innovative approaches,” he said.

Media contact: Sharon Kelly, E:; M: +61 414 780 077